Wednesday 15 November 2017

T2w Forex

Bens Stokastiske EMA auto trading robot av Steve Hopwood. mq4 Kommersiell Medlem Ble medlem Apr 2007 8 331 Innlegg De fleste Forex-forhandlere mister alle pengene sine. Bruke roboten lagt ut her i handel Forex garanterer ikke suksess. Handel med denne roboten kan føre til alvorlig økonomisk tap. Handle denne roboten uten å forstå sine underliggende handelsstrategier, garanterer at handelsmenn vil miste pengene sine. Dette er ikke et sett og glem, ei det er ikke noe slikt, og alle som prøver å hevde det er, er enten dumme eller løgn. Dette krever ofte manuell inngrep. I beste fall er en handelsrobot kun 90 så god som den manuelle strategien den driver. I beste fall. I verste fall kan det være mye mindre effektivt. Hvis strategien er søppel, så er roboten. For å handle denne roboten må du forstå: Hvordan bruke EAer. Stchastic og Moving Gjennomsnittlige indikatorer. IKKE BRUK DENNE EA PÅ EN LIVE KONTO. Det er eksperimentelt. Ben (brennende) kontaktet meg ved pm for å be meg om å kode en ea for å handle hans sytem. Dette er hva han ville: quote Hva jeg ser på å gjøre er å ha en 50ema forsterker Stokastisk på diagramforsterkeren for EA å åpne en buy-ordre når ma er skrånende opp forsterker den stokastiske bryter ut fra oversolgt forsterker for å åpne en salgsordre når ma er skrånende ned forsterkeren den stokastiske bryter ut fra overkjøpt, jeg liker stok og så kodet dette. Det har vært bra på demo denne uken. I hans pm uttalte Ben at han handler sin sytem på M30-diagrammer, sl 40 og tp 20, så jeg forventet at ea skulle bli myrdet. Langt fra det har det vært lønnsomt på demo. Forvent ikke mange handler - dette er ikke en handelstart. Tidlige dager osv., Men jeg har ennå til å lide en taper - og ja, jeg var så innad på å rive på r: r som resten av dere er. Det faktum at denne EA selv har gjort det til min demo-maskin sier alt til de av dere som er kjent med arbeidet mitt. EA trenger AllAverages indi å bo i din indi-mappe (og dette er ikke dette som viser seg å være noe av en Godsend). Du trenger ikke den på diagrammet ditt. Stopp tap og ta fortjeneste ved Stealth Technology handler er stengt når markedet krysser tpsl linjene. Saker av generell interesse Les dette innlegget: forexfactoryshowthre. 11post4923611 Nybegynnerhandlere, les dette for inspirasjon og advarsel. De av dere som har hatt tap, les det for inspirasjon. Hovedoppsummering av sikring: forexfactoryshowthre. 79post4977179 Mest lovende handel EAs Postering restriksjoner Jeg har begrenset muligheten til å legge inn i denne tråden til: handelsfolk med minst 1 kupong og forhandlere på vennelisten min. Jeg har gjort dette fordi jeg ikke vil ha tråden rotete med nybegynnere spørsmål om grunnleggende. Newinexperienced handelsmenn, dette er ikke ment som en direkte fornærmelse. Det jeg vil ha her er diskusjon med handelsfolk som fullt ut forstår hva det er de gjør når du nyter en stund, vil du komme til å forstå hva en forskjell opplevelse gjør til innleggene et medlem skriver og ryser på minnes av noen av spørsmålene du spurte. Jeg gjør. cdn. forexfactoryimagess. thefloor. gif Gå til profilsiden din. Det er en lenke til FF-siden som beskriver kupongprosessen. Ikke prøv å komme seg rundt ved å sende meg pms for å få hjelp med dine grunnleggende problemer. Å gjøre det vil gi deg et automatisk forbud mot alle mine tråder. Jeg har satt opp en partner til mine begrensede tråder på forexfactoryshowthre. 66post3948666 Der kan du legge inn spørsmålene du ikke kan legge inn her, om alt du trenger å vite. Noen med kunnskap og erfaring du trenger vil svare. Traderscoders med erfaring som ikke har blitt vouched for, kan komme rundt denne begrensningen blir lagt til min kompis liste alt du trenger å gjøre er pm meg å be meg om å gjøre dette. FANTASTISK. Tusen takk Steve. Dette er en forbedring på Stoch EA du kodet for bruk i NB-systemet. Som du kanskje husker at EA hadde to versjoner (en kjøp og en selg), og brukeren ville plassere EA på diagrammet etter at prisen hadde gått inn i OS - eller OB-soner. IMHO tillegget av alle gjennomsnitt vil forbedre suksessraten for denne tilnærmingen. Trikset er å identifisere de optimale MA-innstillingene for de forskjellige tidsrammer som handles. For tiden spiller jeg med to indikatorer (Recent Strength indicator av quotHANOVERquot og mladens. Som alltid astral, kommer du opp med ideene og jeg vil kode dem. Jeg er allerede mentalt plotting neste generasjon av EAer. lignende ting til dette av NVP på T2W - korrelasjon thingy. Jeg må ha tilbrakt minst 6 måneder hvis du legger alt sammen i å prøve å få noe i gang med disse, men jeg finner bare at å sette mamma på paret direkte er raskere å prøve å isolere det som svakere - en venn har vist meg en annen Corrie ting - tbh jeg forstår ikke eller har mulighet for det. Jeg kan ikke få et stedMetaStock Chart Pattern Recognition Scanner Dette er video av en enkel MetaStock datascan Faktisk Video av Ramp Pattern Gjenkjenningssøkingsprogram Kjører en enkel støttelinje Trykk på Skann på MetaStock-data. Søk etter hvilken som helst kombinasjon av disse viktige lagerdiagrammønstrene. For eksempel, quotDouble Bottoms på Support Linesquot. Support Line Touch Support Line Break Motstand Line Touch Motstand Line Break Prisnivå Breakout Pris Nivåer Fibonacci Retracements Fibonacci Extensions Dobbelte Bottoms Doble Topper Hodet og skuldrene Eventuelle Retracement Bullish Cup og håndtere Bearish Cup og håndtere 5 års høyde Sentimentum T he Ramp MetaStock mønster anerkjennelse markedsskanner er en fantastisk program som skanner for ethvert mønster, inkludert bullish eller bearish kombinasjoner av priser som bryter ut eller spretter av rette trendlinjer. Med Ramp-mønstergjenkjenningsskanneren kan du definere mønsteret du vil ha eller velge fra standardinnstillingene. Skann tusenvis av symboler på bare få minutter for å finne et diagrammønster du liker, inkludert trendlinjeproblemer eller breakouts. (gratis prøveversjon, last ned nå) Det er tre moduler bygget inn i Ramp-programmet. De er Trend-Line Scanner, Fibonacci-Market-Scanner og den nye Shapes-Pattern-Recognition-Scanner. De er alle inkludert i det samme programmet, slik at du kan dobbelskanne. For eksempel, søk etter alle diagrammer på rette støttelinjer, og skann deretter symbolene som bare finnes for W Bottoms eller standard Fibonacci Retracements. Kombinasjonene er ubegrensede. Ramp kjører veldig fort på egne TC2000 historiske datafiler. Velg mellom TC2000, TCNet, MetaStock eller Simple Text filformat i en enkel rullegardinmeny. Dagens Utvalgte Ramp Pattern Recognition Charts. Equis MetaStock Lenker: Handlekurv Min konto Søk Logg inn. Produkter. MetaStock Professional 9.0. MetaStock 9.0 (slutten av dagen). Plug-Ins. Add-Ons. Opplæringsmateriell. Data. Så MetaStock er svaret på søket ditt. Equis MetaStock ChartServer. MetaStock ChartServer. Tilleggsinformasjon. For å be om ytterligere informasjon om MetaStock ChartServer, send Eduardo da Silva til edasilvaequis. equisproductsinstitutionalchartserver Metastock Formula Index. A3.gif (1018 byte). Nye tillegg til nettstedet. Koblinger. 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Importerer data fra MetaStock-filer. tradingsolutions webhelpimportimportmetastock. html Kjøp Metastock på Bangsplat. Cumshotmovies Erotisk Plasma Px32. Jeg tror det fungerte like bra skjønt. Resultater for metastock. Metastock presentert av mac. bangsplat. cc Alle rettigheter reservert. mac. bangsplat. ccsoftwaremetastock. html Sammenlign priser og les omtaler om MetaStock på Epinions Epinions har den beste sammenligningsinformasjonen på MetaStock. Metastock. Total vurdering: Anmeldt av 3 Epinions brukere. Kundeservice. epinionscontent14671253124 NUOVO SOFTWARE AGGIORNAMENTO DATI METASTOCK i NUOVO SOFTWARE AGGIORNAMENTO DATI METASTOCK. Emne: Nuovo software aggiornamento dati Metastock Skrevet av: Bull amp Bear srl Dato: 03-06-2004 7:36:58. liberallibri. itmessage2176.asp WebRing: nav. AlphOmega Elliott Waves for MetaStock 7.2 AlphOmega Inc. 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Ny MultiCharts 10 Beta 2 (Bare Utgitt) - Oppgrader GRATIS Now Award Winning Trading Platform 2012 t2w Members8217 Choice Award Beste Programvare for Mekanisk System Traders Beste Teknisk Analyse Programvare 2011 t2w Members8217 Choice Award Beste Professional Trading Platform Beste Programvare for Intra Day Traders 2013 , 2015 Teknisk analyse av aksjer og råvarer Readers8217 Choice Award Semi-Finalist Frittstående Analytisk Programvare 1000 og over 2012 BMT Best of Trading Award Handelsplattform av året Futures Trading Platform of the Year Handelsplattform som passer for deg MultiCharts fordel er basert på bygge robuste handelsstrategier i C og VB, nøyaktige markedsdata med minimal leveringstid, ordreutførelse innen millisekunder og lavere transaksjonsgebyrer enn gjennomsnittlig. Med verktøy som HD-kartlegging, tekniske indikatorer, backtesting og strategiutførelse, er alt du trenger for hånden. Komplett og kraftig strategi backtesting Du kan enkelt og raskt utvikle og backtest en strategi før du investerer ekte penger. Du kan teste det på historiske data som om du gjorde markedsspill. Du kan forsikre deg om at din strategi ikke er et resultat av optimalisert kurvefittingyour strategi gir faktisk en grunnleggende fordel. Her er ekstra informasjon om strategi backtesting. Data feeds for anyone's needs Du kan velge den raskeste eller mest økonomiske datainngangen, avhengig av hva du prøver å oppnå. Profesjonelle har muligheten til å bruke Bloomberg som datastrøm av valg, mens nybegynnere kan velge IQFeed som en økonomisk datafeed med god kvalitetsdata. Traders som gjør høyfrekvent trading kan få tilgang til CQG, som gir noen av de raskeste, sanntidsnoteringene. Klikk på linken for å se alle de støttede datafeedene. Presisjon og hastighet med automatisert handel Selv med en vinnende strategi, kan bare en kort forsinkelse i ordrekjøring gjøre hele forskjellen. Etter å ha utviklet en strategi, er neste trinn å faktisk sende ordrene. Hovedfordelen ved automatisert handel er at den kan sende bestillinger mye raskere enn et menneske, og dette kan gi deg en fordel i forhold til konkurransen. Chart Analysis Charting er et av de viktigste aspektene ved trading programvare. Du må se nøyaktige prisbevegelser for å bestemme ditt neste trekk. Kartlegging av programvare må være fleksibel, slik at du kan justere hvilken som helst del av den til dine spesielle behov. Diagrammer må også være pålitelige, slik at du ikke opplever noen hold-ups eller krasjer mens du analyserer viktig informasjon. Vi har tenkt på alt dette mens du bygger MultiCharts. Hvorfor velge vår handelsplattform MultiCharts styrke er i sine funksjoner, fleksibilitet og forpliktelse til å følge industriprogrammeringsstandarder. MultiCharts tilbyr alle nødvendige funksjoner du måtte trenge i en handelsplattform. Våre funksjoner tillater deg å lage sofistikerte handelsstrategier for din handel. Vår fleksibilitet gjør at du kan velge de optimale dataleverandørene og utførelsesportene. MultiCharts er utviklet for å bygge robuste strategier og indikatorer i C og VB. Kraftig fleksibilitet i C og VB MultiCharts kombinerer det profesjonelle rammeverket med de beste funksjonene som finnes i vanlige MultiCharts. Det er mange fordeler for profesjonelle programmerere å bruke, ganske enkelt fordi det er så robust. Funksjoner som er mulige i MultiCharts, og ikke tilgjengelig i vanlige MultiCharts, inkluderer: tilgang til alle data direkte fra skript, for instrumenter som ikke engang er kartlagt opprettelse av egendefinerte verktøylinjer, evne til å tegne objekter ved hjelp av GDI, og tilgang til all informasjon i Bestill og posisjon Tracker fra skript. Ikke gjenoppfinne hjulet Med MultiCharts trenger du ikke å gjenoppfinne hvem du bare kan finne mest informasjon på Internett. Det finnes et stort antall biblioteker gratis etter et enkelt nettsøk. For eksempel, la oss si at du vil sende informasjon fra MultiCharts til Excel og fra Excel til MultiCharts. Svaret er allerede gjort for deg. For å oppsummere, med MultiCharts får du automatisk tilgang til et vell av ressurser, og du kan fokusere på å skape noe newas i motsetning til å bruke tid på oversettelse til enda et annet språk. One-click trading fra Chart og DOM Ta kontroll over din handel og handle raskt når du ser en mulighet for ordrebestillinger i løpet av sekunder gjennom vår Chart Trading og DOM. Det er enkelt og intuitivt, du kan klikke eller dra og slippe ordre på diagrammet ditt. MultiCharts har mange verktøy for å hjelpe deg med å nå dine mål Chart Trading, Trade Bar, Order og Posisjon Tracker, Markedsdybde, Automatisering av Oppføringer og Utganger, og Symbol Kartlegging. Chart Trading Du trenger ikke å bekymre deg for å skrive i den eksakte prisen, du kan ganske enkelt slippe en ordre på diagrammet, og du kan alltid justere den hvis du trenger det. Du kan flytte bestillingene dine for å matche andre prisnivåer på diagrammet ditt, for eksempel breakout eller støttenivåer, eller dra flere bestillinger. Du kan også dra og slippe automatiseringsstrategier for ytterligere å forbedre din handelskomfort og fart. Trade Bar Det er enkelt og nøyaktig at du kan skrive inn den eksakte prisen, velge bestillingen og kjøp eller selg. Denne verktøylinjen har også faner, en for hver meglerprofil du lager. Du kan enkelt bytte mellom ulike kontoer, eller til og med meglere, og handle hva du trenger. Bestillings - og posisjonspålegger Du ser en detaljert oversikt over dine bestillinger, posisjoner og kontoer over alle meglere som du handler. Du kan avbryte eller endre ventende ordrer, eller til og med flate hele posisjoner direkte fra dette vinduet. All informasjon er på ett passende sted, og du kan sortere og filtrere for å zoome inn på brikkene du trenger. Du kan også eksportere rapportene til Excel for videre analyse. Markedsdybde (DOM) DOM er et bransjestandardverktøy som lar deg se markedsdybde og handle med ett klikk. I MultiCharts kan du se ti prisnivåer hver vei, og bruke inn - og utgangsautomatisering direkte i DOM-vinduet. Automatisering av oppføringer og utganger Noen ganger er det ingen tid å legge inn eller utgå OCO-ordrer for hånd, så vi bygde opp noen automatiseringsstrategier som du enkelt kan dra og slippe på diagrammet. Du kan slippe dem på et hvilket som helst punkt på diagrammet, eller legge dem til en bestemt rekkefølge eller posisjon. Symbolmapping MultiCharts gjør at du kan handle via noen megler fra et hvilket som helst diagram, men noen ganger gir meglere og datafeister forskjellige navn til samme symbol. Symbol kartlegging lar deg oversette mellom diagrammet og megleren ved å fylle ut nødvendige detaljer, og gjøre symbolet forståelig for megleren. C Development Fikk en ide for handel med markedene Først må du sjekke dens gyldighet, noe som krever at du planlegger ideen som et sett med regler. Utvikle komplekse strategier i C og VB MultiCharts ble utviklet spesielt for erfarne programmører. C er et kraftig og fleksibelt språk som gir deg mulighet til å uttrykke litt ide. VB er også tilgjengelig. C og VB er kraftige og fleksible språk VB og C er ofte foretrukket av profesjonelle programmerere for handelsstrategiutvikling. Komplekse skript kan håndteres enklere enn på noen andre språk ved å lage klasser og erklære medlemmer og metoder innenfor dem. Bygg strategier ut av mindre stykker MultiCharts lar deg bygge din strategi ut av mange handelssignaler. Du kan bruke forhåndsbygde eksempler eller programmere dine egne. For eksempel kan du lage en strategi ved å kombinere den innebygde kanalbrudd lange innføringen med en fortjeneste mål lang avgang. Fleksibilitet når du trenger det Strategisk logikk kan ta hensyn til nye hendelser (nye markedsdata) og endringer i markedsstilling hos megleren. En strategi kan ta begge deler i betraktning samtidig som det resulterer i et komplett bilde. Strategier basert på markedsdata Vanligvis beregnes strategier basert på ankomsten av nye markedsdata, noe som er ganske logisk siden strategier må overvåke endringer i markedet og reagere på disse endringene. MultiCharts kan omberegne en strategi på hvert kryss, i en bar i nærheten, eller basert på en brukerdefinert tidtaker. Strategier basert på meglerhendelser Noen ganger må endringer i en meglerkonto bli vurdert under automatisert handel. Handelsstrategier i MultiCharts kan også reagere på endringer i markedsposisjon og utløses på et bestemt nivå. Bruk en IDE du liker MultiCharts, slik at du kan bruke hvilken som helst IDE du liker, fra den innebygde redigeringen til Notisblokk. En veldig tett integrasjon med Visual Studio gjør IDE til et perfekt valg. Hastighet for å holde tritt med deg MultiCharts 8217s arkitektur ble optimalisert for å gi stor effektivitet. Dataprosessoren styrer hastigheten Under optimalisering bruker MultiCharts alle tilgjengelige kerner på datamaskinen, noe som resulterer i en dramatisk hastighetsøkning. For eksempel vil en 48-kjerne datamaskin utføre optimalisering 33 ganger raskere enn en enkelt kjerne. Nøye utformet arkitektur for produktivitet Våre ingeniører brukte hundrevis av timer for å optimalisere MultiCharts arkitektur, noe som resulterte i større produktivitet for MultiCharts-brukere. Fordeler MultiCharts ble utviklet spesielt for programmerere som bruker VB og C. Rammen har en mer fleksibilitet enn PowerLanguage, med noen av de viktigste funksjonene som er skissert nedenfor: GDI-tegninger på diagrammer GDI lar deg tegne det du vil med høyest ytelse direkte på diagrammer. Selv de mest komplekse tegningene, for eksempel et komplett DOM-vindu med sanntidsnotater, behandles enkelt. Tilgang til fullstendig kontoinformasjon Få hurtig tilgang til alle informasjonsfeltene fra Ordre og Posisjonssporing, for eksempel kontonavn, nummer, PnL og fullstendig informasjon om dine bestillinger. Du kan også sende ubehandlede bestillinger direkte fra skript. Opprett egendefinerte verktøylinjer Hvis eksisterende verktøylinjer ikke er nok, kan du enkelt lage egendefinerte som passer dine behov. Få tilgang til data for et hvilket som helst symbol fra skript Dine indikatorer og strategier kan få tilgang til data for symboler som ikke engang er kartlagt, noe som gir deg maksimal fleksibilitet når du foretar handelsbeslutninger. Kartanalyse Kartlegging er et av de viktigste aspektene ved MultiCharts. Du må se nøyaktige prisbevegelser for å bestemme ditt neste trekk. Kartlegging av programvare må være fleksibel, slik at du kan justere hvilken som helst del av den til dine spesielle behov. Den nye 64-bitersversjonen av MultiCharts lar deg enkelt se diagrammer av lengden, bare begrenset av mengden minne i datamaskinen. For teknisk informasjon om denne funksjonen, se på den relaterte Wiki-siden. Komplett og informativ kartlegging For å gjøre det riktige valget, er det like viktig å se de små detaljene og det store bildet. I MultiCharts kan du enkelt utføre fler tidsrammeanalyse uten eksterne DLLer og globale variabler. Flere dataserier i forskjellige oppløsninger Arbeid med flere dataserier er en av hovedtrekkene i MultiCharts. Det er ikke behov for besværlig arbeidsløshet, du kan ganske enkelt legge til flere prisserier i ett diagramvindu. Handelsplattformen lar deg blande eventuelle oppløsninger, og den justerer dem automatisk på tidsskalaen. For eksempel kan du vise timeløsninger med daglige oppløsninger, et sekunds symboler med 10-kryss-symboler eller mellomrom med volumstenger. Beregninger bak scenen for flere dataserier Denne funksjonen lar deg lage indikatorer eller strategier som bruker flere dataserie for beregningene. For eksempel kan du bruke Bollinger Bands på et minuts diagram, men det vil bli beregnet ut fra daglige data. Du trenger bare noen få klikk for å oppnå dette. Programmet gjør alle beregningene bak scenene. Den velger selv den riktige visualiseringen, som overlegger dataserier. MultiCharts gir tilgang til alle data fra skript, slik at du kan bruke til instrumenter som ikke engang er kartlagt. Bruk opptil 20 delkart per diagram Du kan opprette opptil 20 delkort per diagram, som muliggjør fullstendig analyse av det store bildet. I tillegg kan du bruke bud, spør og handle data, og du kan motta data fra forskjellige tilbydere alt i samme diagram. Kombiner historisk og sanntidsdata fra forskjellige feeds. I tillegg kan du kombinere historiske data fra en leverandør og bruke sanntidsdata fra en annen, i en eller flere delkart. This provides the flexibility and choices necessary to meet the needs of your individual trading style. For example, imagine that your data feed does not provide ask and bid history, but does provide quality minute data. In this case, you can combine minute data from your data feed with data from other vendors to get the complete picture. Add dynamic comments to charts Expert Commentary lets you add bar-specific dynamic comments to indicators, which then appear when a user clicks on a certain bar. The indicator performs some calculation behind the scenes, and displays text that you define, for example: 8220Trend is bearish on this bar8221, or 8220Breakout up possible8221. Interactivity with everything you see Innovative object-oriented user interface sets MultiCharts apart from conventional charting software. You get an intuitive, easy-to-use application, which dramatically reduces your learning curve. User-friendly interface To interact with any object, such as data series, price scales, or chart background, simply click on it. The appropriate menu will appeargiving you only the relevant options. There is no need to spend time going through a complex menu structure you are only a click away from anything you want to do. To move an object, such as a toolbar or a data series, simply click, hold, and drag. Additionally, you can stretch or compress a scale with a click and drag. Using to create custom interface and drawings The extremely flexible framework lets you create objects that cannot be created with PowerLanguage. For example, you create custom toolbars, and draw objects directly on top of charts using GDI. Customization and flexibility that meets your needs You can customize the look of MultiCharts from the overall appearance to the tiny details. You have full control to focus on the important data without overcrowding it with excess information. Adjustable The colors can be adjusted to quickly pick out important information. Bar spacing can be adjusted for easier viewing. Change the zoom and the margins for optimal chart setup. Session breaks, empty periods, indicators, price series, title bars, scroll bars, and divider lines are all easily customized to improve the way you view information. Dynamic Changing the visual order of data series, colors, spacing, font labels, divider line styles and more is another great way to pinpoint important information. Chart compression locates the needed dataeven among millions of bars. Various dynamic grid styles are supported for added flexibility: point, solid, horizontal, dotted, or detailed dotted grids. More resolutions mean more possibilities Standard chart resolutions include both time-based and count-based options. Time-based choices include anything from seconds to years. Count-based resolutions are presented by ticks, number of trades, number of contracts traded, price range, and number of changes options. Resolutions as you like Custom resolutions, such as 90 ticks, six seconds, seven minutes, five hours, two days, or six weeks can be easily set for any symbol, or a group of symbols. There is also a Change resolution, which constructs a bar based on the number of changes. No volume loss Volume bars in MultiCharts are calculated based on the capped principle. This means that the remainder of the volume is transferred to the next bar. For example, if a tick arrives with the volume of 100 and your chart resolution has a volume bar of 75, then 25 will be transferred to the next bar. With this method, no volume is lost. Hourly bars vs. 60-minute bars Hourly bars are different from 60-minute bars. Hourly bars use an astronomical clock, but 60-minute bars are bundled together. With the one-hour resolution, the hourly bar would be from 8:30 to 9:00not from 8:30 to 9:30, as it would look on a 60-minute bar. Volume bars by tick or actual trade volume Volume for bars can be calculated based on the number of ticks or the actual trade volume that occurred. Millions of bars on one chart In addition, the 32-bit trading platform can easily display 7.5 million bars on one chart for visual analysis and backtesting, which is usually available only in high-end, institutional products. The 64-bit version takes it even further and can display any number of bars, limited only by the amount of memory on your computer. Price scales and axes made for precision Our trading platform allows you to set the price scales to match the type of analysis. You may choose between linear or semi-log axes for drastic price movements two separate vertical scales, one for indicators and one for price movements or even no vertical axes at all. Different views, different angles Each scale can display the data from various angles. For example, a scale can show minimum to maximum values for the entire data range or only for a certain part of the series. Other useful touches include the ability to center the graph on the middle of the scale, set number of digits after decimals, and define the amount of labels present. Overlay several price series An important feature of trading software is the ability to overlay several price series with independent price scales. For example, it is possible to chart a financial instrument that costs several hundred dollars over another instrument that trades under a dollar. Then you can visualize the dynamics of price movement. Precision where it counts For added convenience, the Precise Price marker shows the exact last price and the Countdown feature shows how much time is left until bar close. Details where you need them: Cursors, Data Window, and Hint Window When working with charts, the ability to quickly pinpoint the exact price is critical. The Data Window remains on the side of the screen, showing you the current market situation. However, if you need to study a particular area on a chart, the Hint Window conveniently appears at the tip of your cursor. Your data window Knowing the exact price at any given point in time is key to trading the markets. The Data Window conveniently stays put on the left side of the screen with all relevant information laid out in an easy-to-read format. It is attached to the main platform window for easy viewing, but it can also be detached and floated like any other chart. The hint window If you are analyzing an area on the chart and dont want to keep looking over at the Data Window, simply click on the chart and the Hint Window appears. It shows you price values, indicator values, and strategy-generated orders for the bar that youre viewing. Also, the Hint Window can always follow your mouse, or you can make it only appear on demand. A choice of cursor styles From various cursor styles (including hand, cross, price tracking mode, and a global cursor that synchronizes many charts) to the floating Hint Window and the stationary Data Window, MultiCharts features a complete package that accurately and quickly tracks price changes and indicator values. Background dragging Many traders prefer to 8216grab8217 the chart with the mouse cursor and move it around to look for opportunities. The background dragging button on the toolbar turns this mode on and off. Choice of timestamps and trading sessions for wherever you are You can display data series using either local or exchange timestamps. Also, in addition to hundreds of existing trading sessions, you can create custom ones to suit trading any instrument and in any time zone. Timestamps for synchronizing The choice of different timestamps can be very useful for trading financial instruments worldwide or synchronizing multiple charts to avoid confusion. View charts any way you like Several custom trading session templates can be used at the same time for any one symbol, which means that you can get a different angle on your trading. For example, one chart can show pre-trading and regular hours, while another can show you just the regular hours. This can be useful for practicing and learning whether your predictions are correct. The sessions can be changed easily using the Format Instrument dialog window. Create your own templates If you want to trade only certain hours of the day or your exotic exchange is not supported by default, you can easily create your own templates. This means you can use MultiCharts in any part of the world, and you can trade any instrument on the worldwide electronic markets. Chart Types Professional technical analysis requires that you have professional tools at your disposal. MultiCharts has both regular and exotic chart types to meet your individual needs. Each chart type offers a different perspective on the marketso you can make informed decisions. For teknisk informasjon om denne funksjonen, se på den relaterte Wiki-siden. Drawing Tools A broad range of intelligent drawing tools is available. These tools allow you to focus on trends, support and resistance, gaps, pivots, triangles, and other price patterns. Trend Lines, Andrews8217 Pitchfork, Fibonacci Arcs, Gann Fans, and other studies can be easily drawn with a mouse click. For teknisk informasjon om denne funksjonen, se på den relaterte Wiki-siden. Real-Time Market Scanner Scan all symbols universe one-by-one with a specified frequency and at the same time monitor hundreds of selected instruments in real-time. Now thousands of instruments can be automatically sorted out from the whole market according to your indicator criteria for further updating in real-time. Multi-core support and 64-bit architecture make the Market Scanner the most powerful tool for finding trading opportunities. For technical information on this feature look at the related Wiki page. How does the Scanner work Market Scanner is a watchboard for monitoring symbols you are interested in and finding opportunities. The new version of our Scanner has two components: Pre-Scanning and Watchlist windows. While a single chart gives you details about one symbol, the Scanner allows you to spot opportunities among thousands of symbols. Monitoring and tracking your opportunities For example, you want to find all symbols that have oversold recently. The logic is that these instruments will be below their normal value and they present a potentially profitable opportunity. To do this, simply add symbols that interest you into Pre-scanning list, insert a pre-built or custom indicator, and specify the threshold value. Those symbols that satisfy the conditions will be shown in Watchlist window for updating in real-time. How does Pre-Scanning work When instruments are added into Pre-Scanning list and your criteria are set, scanning can be started. To start scanning click the Rescan now button which initiates both historical and real-time snapshot data requests. The data is requested in parts, depending on the limitation of the data source 8211 this lets Market Scanner get data for many instruments without breaking the limitations set by data sources. When all requested data is received, instruments will be unsubscribed from the data source and data will be requested for the next set of instruments. How does Watchlist work The instruments in Pre-Scanning are evaluated as per the scanning criteria, and ones that satisfy the parameters you set are automatically copied into the Watchlist window. You can select either the best or the worst scanning results to be displayed in the Watchlist for updating in real-time. See the big picture You can use different resolutions in different rows. For example, you could have the same symbol in tick, minute and day resolutions to monitor different trends. For even more flexibility each row can have its own session template and a unique number of bars a study will reference. 20 important data fields Open, High, Low, Close, Total Volume, Bid, Ask, Open Interest and other important data fields can be removed and added in seconds. View a chart with one click In addition to symbol linking, which allows you to change chart contents with a single click, MultiCharts has a unique feature called Market Trend Histogram. This allows you to see market dynamics without building a chart, but if you can still make a full-sized chart with one click if needed. Scan and sort with ease Scanner can automatically re-sort symbols either on a per-second basis or by a user-defined timer. Since you can sort according to any criteria available, this will help find trading opportunities in a timely fashion. Apply hundreds of indicators In addition to hundreds of studies that come with the trading platform, you can create your own, change existing ones and import from a variety of sources. Scanners distinctive feature is that you can change cell background and text coloring based on your personal criteria, and even have script-driven text generation in the Scanner cells. Alerts that keep you informed You can create custom visual, sound, and email alert for one or all symbols. Scanner alerts work the same as they do on regular charts. Group symbols for easy viewing You can visually group symbols according to any criteria. An important distinction of having a group is that sorting is realized within each individual group. This means you can select important sectors of the industry, or interesting stock groups, and see which one tops the others. Groups can also be minimized and restored at will. Lots of data all in one place Monitor thousands of real-time or end-of-day symbols in each Scanner window. You can even mix instruments with different resolutions and from different data feeds. Built to minimize your computers efforts Since our Real-Time Market Scanner was built to use modern multi-threading architecture, it can use multi-core and multi-CPU computers to their full potential. This allows you to create very CPU-intensive workspaces with thousands of instruments and watch them in real-time without gaps or lags. 64-bit version removes all memory limitations The 64-bit version of MultiCharts can take advantage of powerful computers to the fullest extent by using all available memory. This means you can add a lot more than 5,000 symbols per scanner window, making it a much more powerful tool. Export to Excel with one click After finding the necessary symbols in the large list, sometimes its necessary to export data you find to Excel. MultiCharts can do this with one click. Market Data Replay Market replay is a great way to learn about trading without risking your money. This feature is especially important for discretionary traders who use price patterns and other methods, which are difficult to incorporate into trading models and strategy trading. For teknisk informasjon om denne funksjonen, se på den relaterte Wiki-siden. Speed up or slow down the market Market data replay can playback historical data at any speed. You have complete control over how quickly market changes are displayed. For example, you can playback a month of minute data in just a few seconds. Choose when to start playback You can jump several seconds, minutes, or daysboth backward and forward in time. You can even specify an exact starting location for market playback by simply clicking it on the chart. Multiple playback speeds You can change the playback speed according to how fast you want to replay. Following update speeds are available from slowest to fastest: 1 update per 10,9,8,7,6,5,4,3,2, or 1 second, and 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,15,20,25,30,50,100,1000, or 10000 updates per second. Different playback resolutions Since you can have different charts (i. e. 5 tick, 13 minute, or 5 day), each bar on the chart represents a different amount of data. You can playback the market 8220as is8221, which means one update equals one bar on your chart. You can also choose 8220Minute by Minute8221, 8220Hour by Hour8221, or 8220Day by Day8221 as alternative playback options. If the playback resolution is lower than the resolution of the data series on the chart, additional detailed data will be downloaded from the data source. In this case status line indicates Waiting for Detailed Data. Recreate market details like nobody else can We are confident that our trading software has the best market playback in the industry. In addition to all features that other charting software offer, MultiCharts allows tick-by-tick replay. In essence, this recreates a complete real-time market picture. Simulate accurate real-time trading Our goal was to create a simulation that resembles real-time trading as closely as possible. If you are playing back minute data, other trading software simply draws minute bar after minute bar, while losing the information about how it was created. MultiCharts constructs each minute bar out of ticks to reflect actual price movements within each minute. MultiCharts can also recalculate your chart indicators on each tick, keeping you synchronized with the real market situation. As a result, you will not lose out on opportunities that exist within bars, so you can make realistic decisions as if you traveled to the past. Toolbar controls at your fingertips All market playback controls are located on a conveniently located toolbar. You can specify the exact starting location, choose which base resolution will be used for chart playback, and control rewinding and fast-forwardingall with a single click. Jump back and forth instantly You can jump any number of ticks backward and forward on your intraday charts. For example, you might be playing back the SampP 500 and witnessing a slow market. You could easily skip forward until you see activity, instead of wasting your time waiting. Play several symbols at once Ability to playback charts with multiple data series is very important. All symbols will be precisely synchronized according to time, so you get an exact picture of how data arrived throughout the day. Lets say you have several symbols, even from different data providers, all on the same chart. You want to see how their price movements correlate to each other. This opens up new possibilities of analysis, new insight. Replay different studies together Global Mode gives you the ability to playback an instrument in several places at once. For example, you might want to watch the Market Scanner and each of the charts where you8217re following Google. Starting point, base resolution, and playback speed will be the same in all the windows that you are playing back. Global Mode Imagine that you have Google plotted in several charts, but each window has different technical indicators and strategies. With Global Mode you can replay all the charts at the same time and see how different studies are performing. Playback entire markets You can combine Scanner windows and Playback to practice filtering through many updates and finding opportunities. You should use the 64-bit version of MultiCharts because of the huge amounts of data involved. Data playback in Market Scanner Since indicators can be easily applied in the Scanner windows, traders often place their symbols into groups and filter according to criteria presented by indicators they insert. Once an opportunity presents itself, it8217s easy to open a chart through a right-click and look more closely at the action, or place an order. Data replay in the Scanner can help practice catching those moments of opportunity when certain symbols are prime for trading. Strategy Trading MultiCharts is often used for discretionary trading, but originally our trading platform was created for trading strategies and automated trading. While discretionary trading is certainly better than trading on intuition alone, automated trading strategies tend to have more consistent success. Strategy trading as an approach has a number of significant advantages when compared to intuition-based trading. Institutional traders have been using trading strategies for a long time, while private traders had very limited tools to create trading strategies that work. Two main components are necessary to create successful strategiesa realistic trading simulation and consideration of all the necessary factors. This allows you to test your strategy to make sure it works, before you put real money into it. C is very flexible in terms of accessing level2 data, data from multiple symbols and data from Order and Position Tracker. Simulation on historical data is usually called backtesting, and it is used to separate strategies that work from the ones that dont. Only correct backtesting gives the ability to separate quality trading strategies from accidental success. While past performance is not a guarantee of future results, proper backtesting gives a higher probability of achieving repeated success during actual trading. Trading system analysis is an essential part of developing a trading system. MultiCharts has an extensive collection of reporting tools that provide a complete picture of your strategy performance. Strategy optimization and walk-forward testing allow for the creation of new trading systems, without falling into the curve-fitting trap. Above all, automated trading eliminates routine tasks and allows you to be quicker than other market participants. Extensive Choice of Trading Strategies MultiCharts comes with over two hundred pre-built studies for an in-depth market analysis, covering the most popular trading concepts. This comprehensive library includes traditional as well as state-of-the-art trading strategies. A key advantage of MultiCharts is that any study8217s code can easily be modified in any IDE. Nearly any custom trading strategy can also be created from scratch. Strategy Backtesting Strategy backtesting is an essential tool to see if your strategy works or not. Backtesting programvare simulerer strategien din for historiske data og gir en backtesting rapport, som lar deg gjennomføre riktig trading system analyse. The 64-bit version lets you load as much data as you need for even the most demanding backtesting. For teknisk informasjon om denne funksjonen, se på den relaterte Wiki-siden. Accuracy is key MultiCharts is a solution created specifically for strategy development and backtesting. Our philosophy is that strategy backtesting should be as realistic as modern technology allows 8211 that8217s why we use multi-threading and 64-bit technology. Minimal assumptions create more realistic testing Even though no approximation can be 100 perfect, we have done everything to accurately recreate past market conditions and order execution for strategy trading. Typiske backtesting-motorer har mange antagelser og snarveier, noe som resulterer i urealistisk testing og upålitelige resultater. MultiCharts is an institutional-level trading platform that minimizes assumptions and considers many factors. Modern technologies for powerful computers Strategy backtesting often needs a lot of data, and software that is capable of processing it. Almost all computers now feature multi-core setups with lots of memory, so you need to take advantage of that. Multi-threading means that MultiCharts spreads many tasks into different cores, so that they complete much faster. 64-bit version of MultiCharts lets you load as much data as fits into your memory for analysis 8211 even years and years of tick data for detailed price movements. All essential factors contained within Our backtesting software considers the following essential factors: liquidity, tick-by-tick price changes, ask-bid-trade price differences, commission, slippage, initial capital, interest rate and trade size. Taking liquidity into account When MultiCharts s engine backtests a strategy, it recognizes that not all limit orders will be filled, due to a lack of liquidity. Av denne grunn har du mulighet til å fylle bestillinger når et prismål er truffet, eller når det overskrides med et bestemt antall poeng (pips). Tick-by-tick simulation We call this feature the Bar Magnifier. It is essential for increasing precision during backtesting. MultiCharts can construct larger bars out of smaller componentssecond and minute bars out of ticks, hour and day bars out of minutes. You can recreate exact price movements within each bar by using the Bar Magnifier, which will build larger bars out of smaller components. For example, one-hour bars have four visual pointsopen, high, low, and close. The Bar Magnifier can invisibly load minutes that make up the hour, and strategy will be backtested on a minute-by-minute basis. Spør, bud og handelspriser Backtesting tar i betraktning at ekte kjøp skjer ved forespørselspriser, ekte salg på budpriser. Dette gjør vår backtesting simulering så realistisk som mulig. Strategies for immediate practice MultiCharts backtesting engine even emulates market, stop, limit, stop limit, and one-cancels-other (OCO) orders. Profit target, stop-loss, and trailing stops are also standard backtesting features. On top of that, MultiCharts comes with more than 80 strategies, so you can practice backtesting. Lett å lese Du kan endre hvordan signalene dine vises på diagrammet ditt, bare noen få klikk. Avslutningsordrer kan kobles til med en synlig linje til alle relaterte oppføringsordrer linjen blir grønn hvis handelen var lønnsom, rød hvis ikke. Hvis du ikke liker disse fargene, eller noe annet visuelt aspekt, kan du enkelt endre det. Trading System Analysis Proper trading system analysis helps find trading systems that work. Successful traders need various performance ratios and descriptive ways of viewing the results. MultiCharts s strategy performance report and trading performance report are powerful tools used by CTAs and regular traders for evaluating strategies and trading results. 200 ways to measure your performance At your fingertips, you have more than 200 performance measurements available. Some of the most useful ones are located in strategy performance summary, performance ratios, time analysis, list of trades, total trade analysis, outliers, run-up and drawdown, trade series analysis, and periodic analysis. Analyzing performance Strategy Performance Summary and Performance Ratios allow for quick analysis of your trading strategy performance. Tracking by time and by trade The information in the Time Analysis table evaluates results strictly from the standpoint of time. You set the time frame for displaying the results using the Display tab of the Setting dialog box. List of Trades displays the complete trade-by-trade report. Total and outlier analysis Total Trade Analysis displays overall performance of the trading strategy. Outliers or outlying trades are those that exceed the average trade by a significant value (plus or minus three (3) standard deviations). Analysis of run-updrawdown and trade series Run-up is measured as the open to the highest unrealized high of the trade for a long position drawdown is from the open to the lowest unrealized low of the trade for a short position. Trade Series Analysis displays statistical measures based on the winning and losing trades. Statistical analysis Trade Series Statistics displays information on the consecutive winning (losing) trades series. Interactive graphs that show the complete picture MultiCharts includes 28 interactive graphs to display relative and absolute values. Drawdown, for example, is shown in relative values, which allows you to see the realistic picture. Relative drawdown This graph balances equity against trade number for all closed trades and also includes both drawdown dollars and drawdown percentages. Insight using equity curve graphs This graph allows greater insight into trading performance than a usual equity curve graph. It displays net profit on a bar-by-bar basis revealing equity drawdowns and run-ups. Equity curve with drawdown details This detailed Equity Curve graph combined with both Drawdown () and Drawdown (). Equity run-up and drawdown These graphs illustrate equity drawdown vs. equity run-up in dollars and percentages. General analysis of trading performance This graph displays an equity (in ) vs. trade number for all closed trades. This all-purpose equity chart is best used for general analysis of trading performance. The buy and hold strategy The return you would have gained if you had bought and held the papers for the whole duration of the test period. If you are trying to compare the total net profit of the strategy and the BuyHold Return, please remember to keep in mind that the buy and hold strategy can lead to major drawdowns as well as risks because your investments are still exposed to market moves for the whole period. Also, since your money is placed in the market, you cannot invest it elsewhere. Total trades and winning trades These graphs displays the profit (in ) vs trade number for all trades or for all winning trades. The horizontal line stands for the average trade. Drawdown This graph displays each trade8217s drawdown vs. trade number for all trades. Determining protective stops The Maximum Adverse Excursion graph is best used to determine protective money management stops for a trading strategy. It graphs each trade8217s realized ProfitLoss vs. Drawdown in a scatter graph format. Run-up The Run-up graph displays each trade8217s run-up vs. trade number for all trades. Determining trailing stops The Maximum Favorable Excursion graph is best used to determine trailing stops for a trading strategy. It shows the realized ProfitLoss vs. Drawdown in a scatter graph format. The green arrows represent winning trades, and the red arrows represent losing trades. Long-term evaluations The Maximum Favorable Excursion graph uses percentages rather than dollar amounts. This graph is best used for long-term evaluations. Important information is one click away MultiCharts provides speed and efficiency. Our philosophy is that time should be spent perfecting strategies and trading ideas, as opposed to looking up performance information. One-click charts In MultiCharts , looking up the necessary trade takes just one click. You have 16 qualifying parameters to choose from. As soon as you identify the trade that interests you, all it takes is a click to display it on a chart. In this way, you see the trade in the report, and the graphic chart representation, at the moment when the trade was created. This allows you to quickly identify flaws in entering and exiting methods and improve trading logic. Trading Strategy Optimization A trading strategy is created by taking trading concepts, ideas, and observations about historical market behavior, and implementing them into a trading system. Whenever you find an optimal solution to doing anything in everyday life, you are actually performing implicit optimization. So, people often use trading system optimization when creating trading strategies as well. Optimization tests many possible input combinations to find ones that result in the best performance. For teknisk informasjon om denne funksjonen, se på den relaterte Wiki-siden. What is strategy optimization Strategy optimization is the search for optimum parameters for predefined criteria. By testing a range of strategy input values, optimization helps select values that correspond to optimal strategy performance based on historical data. Offering extensive choices MultiCharts offers exhaustive and genetic optimization, as well as walk-forward testing. Each optimization type offers its own advantages and disadvantages, and each is great for accomplishing certain tasks. You can use them separately, or you can combine them to get a complete look at strategy performance. Modern technologies that speed up optimization MultiCharts uses multi-threading, which is a technique for distributing optimization cycles across all available CPUs. Modern computers can easily have 48 cores, which means you have 48 instances of your optimization running at the same time 8211 a significant time improvement over having just one core. Data is loaded separately into 32 cores at the same time for fast optimization, essentially creating a virtual chart for each core. The 64-bit version of MultiCharts can easily handle huge volumes of data required for this operation, resulting in you using your time more efficiently and effectively during optimizations. Exhaustive (Brute-Force) Optimization Strategy optimization is done to find good parameters, and eliminate bad ones. Exhaustive optimization systematically goes through all potential combinations as it searches for the solution with the highest results for the criteria you chose. Maximum speed of optimization You can find inputs that maximize net income, minimize drawdown, or result in fewest trades. The amount of time the exhaustive optimization feature needs to find the solution relates directly to the number of possible combinations it needs to testthe more combinations you have, the longer it will take. If only a few parameters are tested for a short range, this method is definitely optimal for finding the best inputs. Also, in MultiCharts optimization is spread across all available CPUs, which means your optimization speed will increase with the number of cores in your computer. This method of spreading the work across CPUs is called multi-threading. Exhaustive optimization vs. Genetic optimization Each optimization type has its benefits and drawbacks. You must choose the right tool to get the job done, and find the result you need. Different tools for different needs If you are testing many possibilities, exhaustive optimization takes a very long timeeven with multi-threading. The advantage of exhaustive optimization is that it is guaranteed to find the absolute optimal inputs in the testing range, but the drawback is that it takes a very long time if many possibilities are tested. Therefore, it should be used where the number of possibilities is relatively small, or where you must find the absolute best solution. Another nuance is that the absolute best inputs might actually be an outlier, which does not result in good performance on a consistent basis. Genetic optimization addresses this issue because it performs strategy optimization differently. Optimization Report This report shows the optimization results, and you can filter output combinations by one or more criteria. For example, to find a strategy with the maximum net profit and minimum max drawdownfirst sort by net profit in ascending order and then by drawdown in descending order. Custom Fitness Function Optimization You can set your own custom criteria for which for strategy optimization. Custom criteria can be written directly in C, VB, or in Java script. Optimization with multiple conditions With this feature you can optimize using several conditions, as opposed to just one. For example, you can find a strategy that combines the greatest profit, lowest drawdown, and the highest percentage of profitable trades. You can use custom fitness function optimization in regular and portfolio backtestingas well as with genetic and exhaustive trading system optimization. 3D optimization graphs 3D optimization graphs give visual representations of how the strategy parameters affect trading performance. The 3D graph reveals most robust parameter zones, and is a great tool for avoiding over-optimization, which also known as curve-fitting. Avoiding over-optimization A strategy that has abrupt performance breakdowns with only small parameter changes cannot be considered robust. You can superimpose results of different optimizations onto each other to compare results, and see if the optimal inputs you found are confirmed by other tests. You can use superimposition to compare genetic and exhaustive optimization results, and you can evaluate how robust your findings are. 3D surfaces can be drawn by any criteria available in the optimization reportfor example net profit, percent profitable, and max drawdown. Relevant input and output values are displayed when the mouse cursor hovers over a particular point on the graphs surface. Genetic Strategy Optimization Genetic optimization is a very complex subject that has a lot of specialized literature written about it. Basically, its chief benefit is that it takes only a fraction of the time of exhaustive optimization, and it finds nearly optimal results. For teknisk informasjon om denne funksjonen, se på den relaterte Wiki-siden. Find a needle in a haystack This strategy optimization method makes it possible to find workable solutions amongst billions of combinations, whereas exhaustive optimization would take an unacceptably long amount of time. Based on principles of biological evolution Genetic optimization does not try every possible combination. Instead, it uses complex algorithms that use principles of biological evolution. It randomly picks a sample of inputs, and tests for positive results. The best inputs are kept, and the worst ones are replaced with new random inputssurvival of the fittest. You can even customize your optimization by changing the number of generations, population size, and the convergence type. Make sure your results are robust If the algorithm thinks it has found something good, it will start testing around the newly found peak to determine if this peak is an outlier. If this result is an outlier, genetic optimization leaves it and moves on to other areas. More combinations equals better optimization In fact, the more possible combinations you have, the better genetic optimization works. After you complete genetic optimization, you can test the inputs you found even more, with exhaustive optimization, walk-forward testing, or technical indicators. Find new opportunities Genetic optimization makes it possible to find new opportunities when creating trading systems, as opposed to fine-tuning an already existing system. Systematically work through thousands of parameters For example, you can apply many indicators to your charteach one of which has literally thousands of parameters. Then you can check if these indicators help predict price patterns by including and excluding them by telling genetic optimization to turn them off and on systematically. You can then use these findings to filter out the indicators that dont work, and keep the ones that do. Explore genetic optimization further To fully understand how genetic optimization works, we recommend you read additional professional literature on genetic algorithms. Walk-forward Testing Walk-forward testing is an essential tool for creating robust trading systems. What makes walk-forward testing different from other optimization methods is the unique multi-step approach to strategy testing. The idea behind walk-forward testing is illustrated below: How does walk-forward testing work Walk-forward testing combines optimization and backtesting. During the testing, optimal inputs are tested against real market conditions to see how they would perform. Preventing curve-fitting First, the entire data series is broken up into smaller parts. A series of tests is done, and each test is done on a small portion of the whole data series (in-sample data). When optimal input values are found for that small portion, the software checks how they would have performed in the real world by applying them to data that was not part of the test (out-of-sample data). The tests continue to repeat until you have tested the entire data range. In the end, you are shown the results that performed the best under varying market conditions. This helps prevent over-optimization, also known as curve-fitting. Different options to suit your needs Walk-forward testing can be used with both exhaustive and genetic optimization methods. You can specify different sizes for your in-sample and out-of-sample data, and you can even display information in bars or days. No jumping forward There is also a modification to the walk-forward process, called the anchored mode. When you select the anchored mode, the in-sample data stays anchored to the beginning and gets longer for each test, instead of jumping forward. This is another way of making sure your results are robust. Export to Excel with one click The walk-forward testing report can be exported to Excel with just one click. Then you can perform additional analysis on the data you found during the test. Export to Excel with one click The walk-forward testing report can be exported to Excel with just one click. Then you can perform additional analysis on the data you found during the test. Automated Trading Even with a winning strategy, just a short delay in order execution can make all the difference. After developing a strategy, the next step is to actually send the orders. The key advantage of automated trading is that it can send orders a lot faster than a human being, and this can give you an advantage over the competition. For teknisk informasjon om denne funksjonen, se på den relaterte Wiki-siden. How does auto trading work Orders generated by a trading strategy in MultiCharts are sent directly to the brokers server. Then the broker responds with a message about the order status, and you can see on your chart if the trade was successful. Stop watching the market Auto trading is very convenient, because once you have written and tested your logicyou no longer need to constantly watch the market. Also, automated trading makes trading high-frequency strategies possible. With trading systems like these, manual order entry would result in unacceptably long delays, and it would not be possible to trade them. Let the software do the trading MultiCharts provides stable auto trading that can operate without constant monitoring. Your strategy has constant access to real-time account information and level 2 data, and it can automatically fix any possible asynchronization. Real-time account information access Your strategy can access all attributes of your account in real-time, including: account number, number of accounts, number of open positions, position average price, position open profit and loss (PnL), position quantity of contracts, position symbol, position total cost, real-time account equity, real-time unrealized profit, initial capital amount and all information from the Order and Position Tracker. You can get more information on each category on the related Wiki page. Level 2 data access from strategies Key depth of market information, also known as 8220level 28221 data, shows the number of buyers and sellers on different price levels close to the current price. This information is very important to identify pressure on the price 8211 i. e. if there are more sellers than buyers, the price might go down in an effort to equalize the number of players. Ten price levels are offered in each direction, and your strategy can analyze those levels in real-time to help it make trading decisions. Since a strategy can react much faster than a human being, ability to access this data from scripts presents a major advantage. MultiCharts has extensive access to level 2 data from within the scripts. Orders that match the real world A characteristic feature of MultiCharts s automated trade execution is that orders are sent at the close of the previous barinstead of being sent at the moment when they appear on the chart. This approach ensures that prices, at which the orders are actually filled, correspond closely to the prices on the chart. Support for multiple order types In addition to market orders, MultiCharts supports limit, stop, bracket, and one-cancels-other (also known as one-cancels-all) orders. Visual, audio, and global sound alerts help in monitoring order status. Automated resending of unfilled orders Resend unfilled orders automatically. Just because limit or stop orders were sent, it doesnt mean they were necessarily filled by the broker. Unfilled Strategy Order Replacement options can be used to keep the strategy synchronized with the actual trading position. For example, you can specify that after a certain period of time, all unexecuted limit and stop orders will be converted to market orders. Matching data and broker information Make sure datafeeds and brokers understand each other. The Symbol Dictionary is crucial when your broker is not the same as your datafeed. There is no one strict standard for describing symbols, so symbol names often dont match. You need to make sure that orders generated on a symbol get recognized by the broker. For example, the symbol Google is named GOOG on some datafeed, but the broker will only take orders for GOOGLE. You can simply open the Symbol Dictionary and make the necessary changes. The chart will still appear as GOOG, but the order will be sent with the updated informationmaking sure that the broker understands what you want to trade. Auto trade one symbol in different ways Auto trade the same symbol from several charts. Yes, you can do that. MultiCharts can send trading signals from several charts or even computers simultaneously. Whats more, if the same symbol is traded from several charts, the market position for each chart will be tracked separately. Support for financial advisor accounts Some brokers, such as Interactive Brokers, support financial advisor accounts. Having such an account makes it possible to trade multiple sub-accounts using a single main account. Choose your automated trading mode MultiCharts has two modes for auto trading: Synchronous and Asynchronous. Each one has its advantages and drawbacks. Avoid discrepancies The synchronous auto trading mode is a mode where entriesexits are plotted on the chart only after orders have been executed at the broker. The synchronous auto trading mode ensures avoiding discrepancies between the market position on the chart and the market position at the broker. Guarantee that orders are filled The asynchronous auto trading mode is the mode where entriesexits are plotted on the chart when the price value meets the strategy conditions. However order execution by the broker is not guaranteed in case the conversion of unexecuted limitstop entry orders is not enabled. It may cause a market position conflict between the chart and the broker. Enabling order conversion guarantees that the order will be filled at the broker, although the executed order price value could be different from the order price plotted on the chart. Start live trading in seconds You can easily control auto trading with a switch conveniently located at the top left of your chart. Simply click it to turn auto trading on or off. If its green, that means you are trading liveif its grey, then you are in backtesting mode. Letters AA on the switch indicate that you have asynchronous auto trading selected, and SA mean you chose synchronous auto trading. Easily track your orders and strategy positions An important feature of MultiCharts is called the Order and Position Tracker. In this separate window, you can easily view information about strategy orders and open positions. Order status fields There are many fields that provide important information about orders, such as FilledCancelled status, Instrument name, Resolution, Order Name, Category, Quantity, Broker, Strategy Name and Workspace. Many important fields about strategy positions are also available, such as Strategy Position, Broker Position, Positions Match, Strategy PL, Open PL, Broker and Strategy Name. In MultiCharts you can access all of these fields to use in your strategy with ease. Find the information you need Many convenient filters give you the ability to find the information you need quickly and easily. The Log tab gives the ability to see technical messages from the broker and from MultiCharts . Email, visual and audio alerts Strategies can alert you in a variety of ways when they generate an order 8211 through showing an alert on your screen, playing a sounds, and even sending an email. Email is probably one of the most versatile alert methods because it can be received by almost any modern device. Some providers (i. e. Verizon) also offer a way to send an email to a phone number, whereby they convert it to a text message. Important to remember that when choosing an email provider for your email alerts make sure you choose one that does not use SSL encryption. Portfolio Trading Portfolio Trader is a very powerful tool to test and autotrade entire portfolios, which can contain 100s of stocks, futures, and other instruments. Its such a powerful tool that its often sold as a separate application, but its in your arsenal with MultiCharts . MultiCharts 64-bit easily handles huge amounts of data needed when managing a portfolio. While other platforms provide only historical simulations of portfolio trading, MC Portfolio Trader lets you automate trading with any strategies you developed with a single click. Backtesting has been improved to a whole new level with Dynamic Currency Conversion and Walk-Forward Optimization. For teknisk informasjon om denne funksjonen, se på den relaterte Wiki-siden. What is portfolio backtesting Portfolio backtesting means applying one or more strategies to many instruments at oncetesting on historical data and gauging performance as if all symbols were traded with these strategies. Different symbols can even have different resolutions during the testingone tick, three minutes, nine days, or others. It8217s very easy to reach critical mass with the huge number of combinations 64-bit MultiCharts version is essential for portfolio backtesting. Use more than one strategy at a time Portfolio Trader is very flexible in letting you create a several strategies and combine them in many ways. Symbols can be divided into groups, and each group can have its own strategy. For example, you can have a Rotation and Spread strategies applied to different groups of instruments in your portfolio. The overall performance of your portfolio For example, you could have one trading system that trades stocks and another that trades futures. The performance of each strategy will impact your overall portfolio performance. Reference other instruments with ease Your trading strategy can reference up to nine other instruments in order to make a trading decision on any one tradable symbol. This opens new opportunities of testing strategies such as statistical arbitrage or pair trading. Achieving synchronization For example, lets consider a pair trading strategy. Pair trading means that you buy one instrument and sell another at the same time, and vice versa. When one of the pair is bought or sold, your strategy needs to know exactly whats going on with both symbols. If your pair is Google and Microsoft, you would enter GOOG as symbol one and MSFT as symbol two. Then you would add MSFT as data one and GOOG as data two. This way each instrument in the pair is actively referencing the other instrumentand you achieve complete synchronization. Real-life constraints considered Considering real-life constraints is critical for creating successful portfolio trading strategies. During portfolio backtesting, trading signals often need to be prioritized because there is not enough money in the account to place all orders. Your strategy might always buy the cheapest instruments first, or you might want it to always fill stock orders before futures orders. Accounting for real-life situations There are many constraining variables available, so you can make portfolio backtesting as realistic as possible. Initial capital, exposure, risk, and other parameters are all essential factors to consider. Use scripts to define money management Money management options can be easily changed through the portfolio backtester interface or by directly from your script. Interactive portfolio performance report MultiCharts s portfolio backtesting report is an essential tool when evaluating how your strategies are doing. It is just like our regular performance report, but it features the ability to view breakdown by symbols or show a correlation matrix. Optimize your portfolio in a couple of clicks Portfolio optimization lets you find optimal parameters for each of your portfolio strategiesone at a time or all at once. Both exhaustive and genetic optimization methods are available in the portfolio backtesting engine. The 64-bit version of MultiCharts handles huge data needed for both tasks with ease. Visual Trading Visual trading lets you conveniently drag-and-drop orders onto your chart or DOM and quickly adjust them by simply dragging them around. Visual price levels are much more intuitive than the traditional way of typing in exact orders and prices. Its like the visual interface in modern Windows, as opposed to old-style DOS with only typing. You get a whole new level of comfort, ease of use, and functionality. You need to place orders accurately and quickly to succeed in trading. MultiCharts features many tools to help you achieve your goals Chart Trading, Trade Bar, Order and Position Tracker, Depth of Market, Automation of Entries and Exits, and Symbol Mapping. Chart Trading No need to worry about typing in the exact price you can simply drop an order on the chart and you can always adjust it if you need to. You can move your orders around to match other price levels on your chart, such as breakout or support levels, or drag more orders. You can also drag-and-drop automation strategies to further enhance your trading comfort and speed. Its simple and precise you can type in the exact price, choose the order and buy or sell. This toolbar also has tabs, one for each broker profile you create. You can easily switch between different accounts, or even brokers, and trade what you need. Order and Position Tracker You see a detailed summary of your orders, positions and accounts across all brokers that you are trading. You can cancel or modify pending orders, or even flatten entire positions directly from this window. All information is in one convenient place, and you can sort and filter to zoom in on the pieces that you need. You can also export the reports from Order Tracker into Excel for further analysis. Depth of Market (DOM) The DOM is an industry-standard tool that lets you see market depth and trade with one click. In MultiCharts you can see ten price levels each way, and apply entry and exit automation directly in the DOM window. Automation of Entries and Exits Sometimes there is no time to place entry or exit OCO orders by hand, so we built some automation strategies that you can simply drag-and-drop onto you chart. You can drop them onto any point on the chart, or attach them to a particular order or position. Symbol Mapping MultiCharts allows you to trade through any broker from any chart, but sometimes brokers and data feeds give different names to the same symbol. Symbol mapping lets you translate between the chart and the broker by filling out necessary details, and making the symbol understandable to the broker. Sounds Alerts Now you can step away from the computer without missing a beat 8211 convenient Sounds Alerts will tell you if an order was filled, position was opened or closed, or if your connection went down. You can also fine-tune them to your liking, and be free to do other tasks without having to watch charts all the time. Order and Position Tracker This window gives a detailed summary of orders, positions, and accounts across all brokers being used for trading. Cancel or modify pending orders, or even flatten entire positions, directly from this window. All information is in one convenient place it can be sorted and filtered to zoom in on needed details. This information can also be exported into Excel for further analysis. In MultiCharts , all of this information is available directly in scripts. For teknisk informasjon om denne funksjonen, se på den relaterte Wiki-siden. All information in one place Monitor information from different brokers at the same time all in one place and view account equity across all accounts. Stay updated on vital information Staying current is vital. Access continuously updated Profit and Loss across all positions. See which orders were submitted and which were filled all in real-time. Filter by broker or time Find information by filtering reports by broker, by time filled, by order status, and other qualities. Its easy and fast just use the intuitive drop-down menus. Complete interactivity with orders Dont be limited to just watching orders, change positions as needed directly from the tracker. Cancel orders, modify existing orders, or flatten entire positions with a simple mouse click. Save to Excel Analyzing completed trades is an essential part of improving trading skills. Save the complete trading report to Excel to perform further statistical or other types of analysis. Logs of all messages from brokers are updated in real-time. If an order is not going through, then see exactly whats going on so appropriate action can be taken. Dockable window option Depending whether you want to always monitor your positions and accounts, the Order and Position Tracker can be docked to the main MultiCharts window. If docked, it will always remain visible and non-obscured by charts and other windows. Trading From The Chart Trading from a chart is one of the most popular approaches by discretionary traders 8211 for good reason. You can see price movements along with your indicators, and recognize where appropriate levels will be for price action. Visual chart trading keeps pace with your needs and you can intuitively drag and drop order onto your chart no need to calculate the necessary price and type it in. An order can always be moved to another level if desired. Entire entry andor exit strategies, like single orders, may also be dropped into a chart. For teknisk informasjon om denne funksjonen, se på den relaterte Wiki-siden. Context-sensitive charts No more remembering prices to type them in later 8211 surface of each chart tracks movements of your mouse and you can place orders at the exact levels you click on. Simply hover your mouse over the appropriate price, right-click and choose the order type and quantity. Context sensitive menus and orders Nearly everything in MultiCharts is context-sensitive, not just the chart surface. Try right-clicking on various objects and only the relevant options will appear. For example, the Place Order menu option only appears when connected to a broker. Click above the price and see Sell Limit and Buy Stop options, but if clicking below the price see Buy Limit and Sell Stop options. Different controls only become active if they are appropriate. Quickly drag-and-drop orders Visual trading is essential because most traders spot important points with their eyes where a pivot will occur, or a breakout might happen. You can easily and precisely drag and drop orders. Easily adjust price levels To change where orders are located, simply drag them up or down. Dont like the new location of an order Simply press Escape and the order will return to its original position. Convenient Trade Panel Apply any order or change any position quickly and easily using this carefully designed panel. An intuitive interface and color-coded buttons make things easy to locate. Placing orders from the Trade Panel Place orders by right-clicking on the chart, typing in the price and pressing the BuySell buttons, or drag-and-drop orders onto the chart. MultiCharts supports market, limit, stop, and stop-limit single order types. Stop, limit, and stop limit orders are shown as small icons with appropriate names, and they can dragged to price levels since they are price orders. Market orders can only be entered using the red and blue Buy and Sell buttons. To enter and exit positions you can also use One-Cancel-Other (OCO) order groups, which consist of combinations of limit andor stop orders, and if one is filled the other one is cancelled. These are also shown as icons, and will be discussed in more detail in the Entry and Exit Automation section. Setting Order Quantity So you know what to buy and when just specify how much. Enter the number of contracts by hand or use a convenient calculator tool. The traders calculator automatically stores the last amounts used and allows quickly picking them from a menu. It is also easy to add a certain number of contracts to the amount already owned. Every time the calculator is opened the quantity goes up by 1, this is because the program assumes the calculator was opened to change the quantity of contracts by at least one. Time in Force How long do you want your order to remain active There are several options 8211 DAY (good for the rest of the day), GTC (good till cancelled), GTD (good till date), IOC (instant or cancel). You should note that these options are not always enabled, it depends on the order that you are placing. Account Selector All available accounts are automatically listed in the Accounts drop-down list. Simply click on it and choose the account you want to trade. Compact mode Screen space is a prized commodity when you have many charts, scanners and DOM windows open at the same time. Compact Mode lets you save a little more by hiding some interface buttons, and leaving visible only essential ones. You can always switch to Full mode by right-clicking and choosing the appropriate option. Easily apply entry and exit strategies Staying protected in a fast moving market is a must for all traders. Drag-and-drop entire strategies onto a chart you can apply strategies to existing orders andor to entire positions. Basics of entry strategies Entry strategies are pre-designed One-Cancel-Other (OCO) order groups to enter positions. They consist of combinations of limit andor stop orders, and if one is filled the other one is cancelled. They are shown as icons in the Trade Panel, and can be dragged onto the chart to apply them. There are currently four entry strategies Breakout, Fade, Breakout UpFade, and Breakout DownFade. To learn more about them read the Automation of Entries and Exits section. Exit strategies are essential Exit strategies were designed to protect against sudden market movements and to exit a position in a structured and organized fashion. They allow managing risk, scaling into and out of positions, and leaving the computer while trades are in place. Just like entry strategies, these exits are OCO groups consisting of limit andor stop orders. Drag-and-drop exit strategies to existing orders, apply them with a right-click, or auto-apply them to every new order. Learn more about them in the Automation of Entries and Exits section. Symbol Mapping Sometimes data feeds and brokers have different names for the same symbol and orders can get rejected for incorrect symbol reference. MultiCharts defines how an order will appear to a broker, so it is possible to use any combination of data feeds and brokers. Essence of symbol mapping For example, if trading the E-mini futures, the broker may not provide the continuous futures symbol. However, its possible to find a data feed that provides a continuous symbol. You can mix different data providers and brokers in MultiCharts, but that can sometimes creates a discrepancy. The data feed may call the symbol ES or ES F while the broker is expecting an order for the ESU1 contract. Without symbol mapping traders would be limited to only using data from the broker being used to execute the trades. Symbol mapping is a translation tool that defines how an order will appear to the broker even if ES is the symbol on the chart, MultiCharts can make it appear as ESU2 (or anything else) to the broker. If the symbol on the chart matches the symbol used by the broker then this tool is unnecessary. Symbol mapping, though, is essential if using different data providers or brokers. The Trade Bar is a standard order entry method thats been around since beginning of electronic trading. Its simple and precise type in the exact price, choose the order type, and buy or sell. The Trade bar has tabs, one for each broker profile created. A key benefit is that you can trade through many brokers at the same time. For teknisk informasjon om denne funksjonen, se på den relaterte Wiki-siden. Easily create broker connections Trade through multiple brokers and accounts at the same time. Its easy to use 8211 simply create separate connections for each account. Creating Broker Connections All information about a particular broker is stored in a profile (we call them connections). Make as many connections as needed for a particular broker, or for different brokers. Separate connections can be used when managing or trading someone elses account. Precise order entry Simply pick which order to submit, enter the symbol, and type in the price or use a convenient Price Locator to save time. You can also select the order type and how long the order will be active. Choosing Order Type Pick from market, limit, stop, and stop limit orders by simply choosing one from the drop-down menu. Only relevant controls for that order type appear, which makes the screen cleaner and easier to navigate. Setting Order Quantity Enter the number of contracts by hand or use a convenient calculator tool. The calculator automatically stores the last amounts used and allows quickly picking them from a menu. It is also easy to add a certain number of contracts to the amount already owned. Every time the calculator is opened the quantity goes up by 1, this is because the program assumes the calculator was opened to change the quantity of contracts by at least one. Price Locator Even though the price can be entered by hand, price also can be narrowed down quickly using the intuitive Price Locator. It continuously streams last price along with current ask and bid prices. It shows the current price over a green background click the current price to see an interactive menu with prices close to the current price. This tool is very convenient when selecting prices a couple of pips around the current price without having to calculate them beforehand. Account Selector All available accounts are automatically listed in the Accounts drop-down list. Simply click on it and choose the account to trade. Time in Force How long is an order to remain active There are several options 8211 DAY (good for the rest of the day), GTC (good till cancelled), GTD (good till date), IOC (instant or cancel). Please note that these options are not always enabled, it depends on the order being placed. Please note that not all brokers support all of these time in force settings. Intuitive order controls Different order types have different options see only the ones that make sense. Quickly switch between brokers Connect and trade through more than one broker at the same time and easily switch between them. Just click through the tabs its that simple. Accessible from anywhere The Trade Bar is accessible from anywhere in the platform, and it is never obscured by other windows or charts. Orders can be entered quickly at any time and from any point. Depth of Market (DOM) This industry-standard tool shows market depth and provides one-click trading. MultiCharts s DOM displays ten price levels each way and allows entry and exit automation directly in the DOM window. See volume at different prices to analyze how supply and demand are interacting and where prices may go. For teknisk informasjon om denne funksjonen, se på den relaterte Wiki-siden. Two ways to display DOM in MultiCharts has two modes of operation: dynamic and semi-static. Simply choose the mode through a right-click. Compact mode Screen space is a prized commodity when you have many charts, scanners and DOM windows open at the same time. Compact Mode lets you save a little more by hiding some interface buttons, and leaving visible only essential ones. You can always switch to Full mode by right-clicking and choosing the appropriate option. Semi-static and Dynamic Semi-static DOM mode means the DOM window will re-center once the current price hits the upper or lower boundary of the window. A 5 second countdown precedes re-centering. Our DOM is semi-static because it will move without input from the user (i. e. if the price goes off the screen), which creates the possibility of making an error during input. Dynamic DOM mode means the DOM window will automatically re-center after each new tick (price update) received. This mode is very useful for scalping strategies. Traders enjoy the freedom to choose the mode that suits their trading style. 10 levels of depth See ten price levels for both asks and bids, so you know the spread of bids and offers. A deeper DOM gives a better overview of the market. One-click order entry Perform one-click trading with a mouse left-click, or use the mouse right-click to choose a precise order. One-click-trading Left-click a cell to place either a limit or stop order. A mouse click in the bid (blue) column at best ask or lower, or in the ask (red) column at best bid or higher, will place a limit order. A mouse click in the bid column on a price higher than best ask will place a stop order. Similarly, clicking on a price in the ask column below the best bid will also place a stop order. Want to do something different Simply right-click on a cell and choose from the displayed options. MultiCharts supports market, limit, stop, and stop-limit single order types. Trade with any supported broker from the DOM simply choose the broker and type in the symbol. Have several accounts There is also a drop-down list for account choice. Setting Order Quantity Having chosen what to buy or sell and when, it is necessary to specify the quantity. Enter the number of contracts manually or use the convenient calculator tool. The calculator automatically stores the last amounts used, so they can be quickly selected from a menu. It is also easy to add a certain amount of contracts to the amount already owned. Every time the calculator is opened the amount goes up by 1, because the program assumes the calculator is opened to change the amount of contracts by at least one. Time in Force How long should an order remain active There are several available options: DAY (good for the rest of the day), GTC (good till cancelled), GTD (good till date), and IOC (instant or cancel). Please note that these options are not always enabled, it depends on the order type being placed. Account Selector All available accounts are automatically listed in the Accounts drop-down list. Simply click on it and choose the account to trade. Several DOM windows may be created to trade several accounts andor instruments at the same time. Quickly drag-and-drop orders Visual trading is essential because most traders spot important points on a chart with their eyes, such as where a pivot will occur or a breakout might happen. It is easy to drag-and-drop orders precisely onto the DOM. Order and strategy icons Stop, limit, and stop limit orders are shown as small icons with appropriate names, and they can dragged to price levels since they are price orders. Market orders can only be entered using the blue (buy) and red (sell) buttons. One-Cancels-Other (OCO) order groups may also be added to enter and exit positions. OCO orders consist of combinations of limit andor stop orders, and if one is filled the other one is cancelled. OCO orders are also shown as icons, and will be discussed in more detail in the Entry and Exit Automation section. Easily adjust price levels To change the price where orders are placed simply drag them up or down. Dont like the new location Just press Escape, and the order will return to its original position. Apply entry and exit strategies with ease Staying protected in a fast moving market is a must for all traders. It is easy to drag-and-drop entire strategies. Apply some strategies to existing orders or to entire positions. Essence of entry strategies Entry strategies are pre-designed One-Cancel-Other (OCO) order groups to enter positions. They consist of combinations of limit andor stop orders, and if one is filled then the other one is cancelled. They are shown as icons in the Trade Panel, and they can be applied to a chart by drag-and-drop. There are currently four entry strategies: Breakout, Fade, Breakout UpFade, and Breakout DownFade. Learn more about them in the Automation of Entries and Exits section. Exit strategies are essential Exit strategies were designed to protect against sudden market movements and to exit a position in a structured and organized fashion. Exit strategies can be used to manage risk, scale into and out of positions, and to leave the computer while trades are on. Just like entry strategies, these exits are OCO groups consisting of limit andor stop orders. It is very easy to drag-and-drop exit strategies to existing orders, apply them with a mouse right-click or auto-apply them to every new order placed. Learn more about them in the Automation of Entries and Exits section. Level 2 data for automated strategies In MultiCharts , DOM data is accessible from strategies, so you can take into consideration ask and bid size at different price levels automatically. Knowing how much is being sold or bought at which prices can help determine important bullish or bearish trends. Analyze subtle differences between demand and supply In MultiCharts you can easily access level 2 data from your strategies. Shifts between the number of contracts being bought or sold at any given second can often indicate important changes in a larger trend. Seeing only current ask and current bid prices will only tell you the spread, but it won8217t tell if there are more sellers than buyers, for instance. Having access to ten levels of depth on each side through the strategy opens a wealth of opportunities to catch those moments when volume changes direction and make necessary conclusions. Entry and Exit Strategies Sometimes there is no time to place entry or exit OCO orders by hand, so we built some automation strategies that you can simply drag-and-drop onto you chart. You can drop them onto any point on the chart, or attach them to a particular order or position. You can also auto-apply exit strategies to every new order you make, so you always stay protected. Sometimes there is no time to place entry or exit OCO orders by hand, so we built some automation strategies that you can simply drag-and-drop onto you chart. You can drop them onto any point on the chart, or attach them to a particular order or position. Exit strategies also can be automatically applied to every new order, so there is always protection. For teknisk informasjon om denne funksjonen, se på den relaterte Wiki-siden. Automate your entries We have designed some common ways to enter positions and added them as convenient icons that a trader can drag and drop onto a chart. Basics of entry strategies Entry strategies are pre-designed One-Cancel-Other (OCO) order groups to enter positions. They consist of combinations of limit andor stop orders, and if one is filled then the other one is cancelled. They are shown as icons in the Trade Panel, and they can be easily applied to the chart. Order levels and trigger levels can be visually applied to a chart by dragging them around, which saves a lot of time managing orders. Dont like the new level Just press Escape on the keyboard while dragging. If there is time, and more precision is needed, parameters also can be changed through detailed dialog windows. Specify absolute values for price levels or define the distance of brackets in percent values or points (pips). These strategies can be applied to an existing order through drag-and-drop or right-click. There are currently four entry strategies Breakout, Fade, Breakout UpFade, and Breakout DownFade. Breakout strategy A breakout is usually defined as a sudden and significant price movement through the support and resistance levels, usually followed by large trading volume and increased volatility. A breakout trader will buy if the price goes up through the resistance level and sell if the price goes down through the support level, assuming that the motion will continue. The Breakout strategy will place two stop orders at the prices (distance) specified, in order to catch the breakout when it happens. A buy stop order will be placed above the current price and a sell stop order below the current price. Fade strategy Fading is usually defined as trading against the trend, a mirror-image of the breakout. If the market goes up, fading traders will sell, hoping that the price will go down. Similarly, fading traders will buy if the price goes down. The Fade strategy will place two limit orders at the prices (distance) specified, so fading can start when the price moves. A buy limit order will be placed below the current price and a sell limit order above the current price. Breakout UpFade strategy This strategy is a combination of the breakout and fade strategies defined above, and it is used when the trader expects the price will go up. This strategy will place a buy stop above the current price and a buy limit order below the current price. The breakout can be activated if it happens, but also catch the fade if the price falls. Breakout DownFade strategy This strategy is a combination of the breakout and fade strategies defined above, and it is used when the trader expects the price will go down. This strategy will place a sell stop order below current price and buy limit above current price. The breakout can be activated if it happens, but also catch the fade if the price rises. Advanced exit automation Protection is essential against unwanted market movements and to try profiting from them if possible. Some traders think that the exit strategy, exiting a position properly, is more important for consistent results than the opening strategy. Exit strategies are essential Exit strategies are designed to protect against sudden market movements and to exit a position in a structured and organized fashion. Exit strategies can be used to manage risk, scale into and out of positions, and to leave the computer while trades are on. Just like entry strategies, these exits are OCO groups consisting of limit andor stop orders. It is very easy to drag-and-drop exit strategies to existing orders, apply them with a mouse right-click or auto-apply them to every new order placed. There are currently five exit strategies: Brackets, Breakeven, Trailing Stop, Stop Loss, and Profit Target. MultiCharts uses a building block approach to construct automated exit strategies a trader can assemble exit strategy components or use larger blocks that have things pre-made for convenience. For example, a breakeven can be combined with two stop losses or utilize brackets to have a profit target placed automatically with a stop loss. Stop Loss A stop order (aka Stop Loss) is an important order type. While a market order means buysell now at the current price, a stop order specifies a price at which to buy or sell. Its called a Stop Loss because its used to define how much loss is tolerable before a position will be exited. When the specified price is reached the order becomes a market order, and the broker executes the order. Most modern brokers store stop orders on their servers, so even if the trader is disconnected the position is still protected against excessive losses. Please find more information about which brokers support which order types on their servers . In fast and volatile markets, stop orders usually have more slippage (difference between the specified price desired and the actual price of the filled order) than limit orders. MultiCharts supports both regular stop orders and stop limit orders, which can help with slippage. Profit Target A profit target is a limit order placed ahead of time to define how much profit must be attained before the position is closed and the profit is realized (i. e. contracts either bought or sold to reduce or close the position). A limit order is different from a stop order because it will be filled only at the specified price or better, while stop orders get filled at whatever the current price is at a given time. Brackets Brackets in MultiCharts are in a One-Cancel-Other (OCO) order group, with one limit order and one stop order. This exit strategy is a one-click combo of the stop loss and profit target described above, but with one difference. If one of these orders is filled, the other one will be cancelled by MultiCharts . Targets placed separately from stop losses, provide more flexibility, but they also come with the responsibility of cancelling orders no longer needed. Breakeven Breakeven is a convenient exit strategy for exiting the market without losing any money (counting your transaction costs). If a long position is held, then the strategy will place a sell stop and vice versa, if a short position is held, then it will place a buy stop. Define the profit needed to trigger this order, and once it triggers it will become active. If the price is reached, then the order will be executed. Trailing Stop A trailing stop is a smart stop order that recognizes that losing only a certain of money is acceptable, and a hard price level isnt always appropriate. A trailing stop will effectively follow the current positions profit, and it will execute if the price goes in the opposite direction. However, if the trailing stop is set too tight, in a volatile market a position can be closed before it really is desirable. Master Exit Strategy The Master Exit Strategy is a multi-level strategy where all components interact closely with one another. Multiple bracket levels, trailing stops, breakevens, and all levels may be set so they are constantly synced with one another. Its an essential tool for scaling-in and scaling-out of positions and for pyramiding positions. This strategy cannot be combined with any other exit strategies because it incorporates all of them. Only one Master Exit strategy may be set per chart. Define the entire exit system before entering a position, planning it all out ahead. Set multiple bracket levels (which are made up of multiple stop losses and profit targets) and define breakeven and trailing stop levels. The key functionality of the Master strategy (aside from piecing all components and predetermining levels in advance) is that all levels are constantly synced. If, for instance, some contracts are transferred from one bracket level to another, the same adjustment will be made automatically on the other side of the bracket as well. If there is a partial fill, then the other side will adjust accordingly. If an entire level is cancelled, the strategy will get rid of all unnecessary components, allowing the trader to focus on the market. Auto-apply exit strategies Stay protected from the start and save time by auto-applying favorite exit strategies from the start. As soon as an order is placed, the corresponding stops and limits will be automatically placed. Make a strategy auto-apply to any new order created by double-clicking on its icon a green checkmark will appear. Remove the auto-apply by double-clicking the icon again. Another nice feature is that auto-application may be paused by pressing Space or clicking the Pause button. Pausing can be very helpful if entering an order quickly without any additional exit orders, but it does not remove or change the standard order setup. Save your favorite templates Save the settings as a template so orders can be fired even faster. Create up to 4 templates per strategy. Symbol Mapping Sometimes data feeds and brokers have different names for the same symbol and orders can get rejected for incorrect symbol reference. MultiCharts defines how an order will appear to a broker, so it is possible to use any combination of data feeds and brokers. For teknisk informasjon om denne funksjonen, se på den relaterte Wiki-siden. Charting Trading Chart Trading In other programs seeing a chart doesn8217t mean you can trade from it, but in MultiCharts it8217s always possible. Trade any symbol from any chart with symbol mapping. How Symbol Mapping works Define a path for your order to get to the broker, and to receive status updates back to your chart. For example, if trading the E-mini futures, the broker may not provide the continuous futures symbol. However, its possible to find a data feed that provides a continuous symbol. You can mix different data providers and brokers in MultiCharts , but that can sometimes creates a discrepancy. The data feed may call the symbol ES or ES F while the broker is expecting an order for the ESU1 contract. Without symbol mapping traders would be limited to only using data from the broker being used to execute the trades. Symbol mapping is a translation tool that defines how an order will appear to the broker even if ES is the symbol on the chart, MultiCharts can make it appear as ESU1 (or anything else) to the broker. If the symbol on the chart matches the symbol used by the broker then this tool is unnecessary. Symbol mapping, though, is essential if using different data providers or brokers. See what you need, trade what you want Forget about mismatching symbol names and exchanges, retain full control of order routing with symbol mapping. Data Management MultiCharts has a local data management and storage system called QuoteManager. It collects and locally stores all of the data received from the data feeds. QuoteManager handles all aspects of data maintenance and offers convenient database and management features for your symbols. For teknisk informasjon om denne funksjonen, se på den relaterte Wiki-siden. Merge two data providers in the same chart You can use two separate data sources in one chartone for historical data and one for real-time data. This advanced feature resolves the situation where a broker provides real-time data but not historical data. Combine historical data with real-time data from different sources For example, Google, MSN, and Yahoo (combined under the name Free Quotes in MultiCharts ) offer free historical daily data. You can make a chart using this data source and merge it with real-time data from Interactive Brokers. Look up symbols with ease Symbol Lookup is a very convenient tool provided by some data feeds (not all). These lists allow you to search for a symbol by a part of its name or its description. The data vendor will then show you all matching symbols, and you can add the ones you need to your database. You can add symbols manually Some data providers that MultiCharts supports dont offer this feature. This means you will have to add each symbol manually. You will need to input the symbol name, data source, category, and exchange that match data feed specificationsso that MultiCharts knows which data to request and where to get it from. You can get this information on the data feed websites. Easily map third-party ASCII data files ASCII files are text files with quotes from third-party data sources. ASCII mapping is different from ASCII import. Import is a one-time update, and it has to be done manually. MultiCharts s ASCII mapping feature will automatically update your charts whenever the text file is updated with new quotes. Map symbols with ease First, you indicate the file path and the file format for each symbol this is called mapping. Every time you create a chart with a mapped symbol, MultiCharts automatically calls up the file, and plots the data. This feature is particularly convenient when working with a large number of third-party data files. Custom session templates that suit any trading style MultiCharts comes with many pre-configured session templates for most major market sectors. However, if the one you need is not in there, you can easily add it yourself. Change session templates Symbols have session templates applied to them, by default, based on the exchange where they are traded. You can change the session template at three different levelschart level, symbol level, and exchange level. When you change the session template at chart level, it will only affect the chart you have in front of you, and thats it. In Quote Manager, you can edit a symbol to use a custom session templatethese changes will affect any chart you create with that symbol. Alternatively, you can change the session template for the entire exchange, which will affect all symbols on that exchange. Collect real-time data without making a chart Usually data is only loaded and stored in the local database when you make a chart. This type of on-demand data loading prevents your computer from becoming congested. However, the QuoteManager can collect real-time data for symbols that you choose and store it locally, even without making a chart. Build your own historical data This is useful when there is no immediate need to plot the symbol, but the symbols data must still be stored. A good example is when your data feed does not provide historical data, so you need to build up your own supply. The stored data can be used later as historical data for creating charts. Import and export data with ease Data is often provided in the form of ASCII (text) files. MultiCharts can import third-party ASCII files and export locally stored data into the ASCII format. Select your own data format There are often slight formatting variations in ASCII files from different providers. For example, some use commas for separating information, while others use semicolons. MultiCharts can automatically convert most formats, but not all. For those rare cases, when MultiCharts does not recognize a format, you can easily select your own. Easily modify exchange and ECN settings You can use default settings for sessions or customize details such as price scale, time zone, big point value, and minimum price movement. Use MultiCharts online or offline The usual mode is online, which means MultiCharts downloads missing historical data from data feeds. However, you can choose to work offline if you dont have an internet connectionor for testing purposes. In the offline mode, MultiCharts will use locally stored data, and you can use it to work on strategies and perform chart analysis. Fill any gaps in your data Any gaps in the locally stored data are automatically filled by downloading missing historical data from your data feed. The process is highly efficient because it only grabs the data you need, as opposed to reloading all data for the entire period. This feature can also be disabled if you dont want to use it. Edit your data with a couple of clicks The locally stored data can be viewed and edited. For example, you can find and correct bad ticks quickly and easily. You can also add new data or delete existing data from your system. Global Hotkeys Hotkeys, which is a short name for keyboard shortcuts, is a must-have tool for any trader for reacting quickly to market changes. It8217s generally a lot faster to press a couple of buttons then to navigate with your mouse, and hotkeys are designed to let you perform just about any action in MultiCharts . You can apply sets of indicators, place orders and even do custom actions by pressing two buttons. For teknisk informasjon om denne funksjonen, se på den relaterte Wiki-siden. Do anything with a shortcut From opening a new window to placing complex strategies, you can make a shortcut for it. Cut down time navigating around and do what you need quickly. General actions There are General, Charting, Scanner, DOM, and Trading categories available in the Hotkeys section. General category deals GUI actions, such as opening and closing windows and workspaces, attaching charts, reporting bugs and requestin0g features, renaming, arranging and toolbars. Charting hotkeys Charting hotkeys deal with all actions that take place inside a chart, such as adding and removing any of the available drawings, changing weight and appearance of bars, displaying data, formatting the chart, data or charting elements, working with study templates, setting scales, chaging cursors, changing chart types, showing reports, editing strategy properties, tracking time and price, and zooming. Scanner hotkeys Scanners are interactive quoteboards and actions involved with them are: expanding and collapsing groups, exporting to Excel, formatting instruments and indicators, removing and adding instruments, changing text size, changing visual themes, toggling groups, and changing real-time indication flashers. Trading hotkeys Trading hotkeys are often considered as essential, since using them is often faster than navigating with the mouse. Trading hotkeys deal with buying and selling are ask, bid or market, cancelling bids, asks, or all orders, closing and reversing the position, and showing current symbol mapping. Custom hotkeys Custom hotkeys can be generated for any combination of actions available in other categories. A possible example is combining opening a chart with placing specific indicaators and settinng a particular chart type. As for trading, you could be placing bracket orders to cover your open position when making an entry. Apply sets of indicators Setting shortcuts to sets is useful when you want to quickly analyze the market from different angles. Hotkeys let you efficiently flip through different sets of studies. Place orders quickly Placing an order at the exactly the right time is an essential part of successful trading. Hotkeys lets you strike exactly when the time is right, even with complex sets of orders. Define personal custom actions If regular actions are not enough, you can easily assign combinations of your favorite actions into bundles. Assigned hotkey will then perform multiple actions at the same time.

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